Our Brands Want You!

We get it, who wouldn’t. You’re creative, you’re comfortable in front of the camera, and you want to work with some of Australia’s leading brands to create creative, on-trend, organic content, without the annoying back-and-forth.

Join 1000+ Australian Creators



How it works

1. Sign Up

Our introductory call allows us to craft a killer content and rollout strategy in line with your goals. We meet weekly to review the content, talent, and results.

2. Apply For Jobs

Creators will apply to work on your brand. Once you approve them, they will begin creating your dream assets.

3. Capture Content

Our team of in-house editors receive all content, and edit your videos based on our strategy and industry-leading insights. You can track the status from your dashboard

4. Send Content to us, Get Paid

Once approved, our social team will schedule the assets in, upload your ads - you can kick up your feet knowing your content machine is turning out industry-leading content.


Tiana has been instrumental in getting our TikTok strategy up and running. Her organisation, passion and drive to capture captivating content is impressive. If you're looking for unique content that has cut through, look no further.

Juliet Baird
Brand Manager

The Four-Stage Purchase Funnel Doesn’t Convert Gen Z.

Gen Z has grown up in a world where their primary marketplace is also their primary destination for news, entertainment, socialisation, and culture, so they can spot a CTA at 20 paces, and detect a paid partnership within one second of a video

Our unique marketing wheel approach identifies that younger consumers are in constant pursuit of four things: Inspiration, Validation, Celebration and Community. Unlike previous generations, Gen Z can - and will - convert at any stage of the cycle.







Why become a creator?

You LOVE creating content

Whether you’re behind the camera or in front of it, you have a passion for creating aesthetic, engaging iPhone content. You’re comfortable in front of a camera, and love making TikToks.

Get paid, and free stuff for making content

Get paid for the content you create on a project-to-project basis, without having to post on your own profile (win). Includes contra, flat fees, ongoing retainers and more!

You want to build connections

As an editorial production agency, we know all the right people. We want to hook you up with great industry connections, and help you build your UGC and modelling portfolio (for free!)


Any Questions?

What if I don’t want to shoot content in my home?

Great, you don’t have to! Andersen has our very own UGC studio, which is available to our content creators. Some jobs will require in-home filming, but we hold regular UGC shooting days in our Cremorne studio!

I’m not a great editor, is that a problem?

Nope! All we need from you is your time and bubbly personality, Andersen will handle all of the content creation and editing post-shoot.

Do I have to post the content that we create?

Nope! The content we will create is for brand purposes only, so you don’t have to worry about turning your personal Instagram into a brand site - but you’re more than welcome to share the great work that you’ll create.

What’s provided in a shooting session?

We have all the camera equipment, lighting and set-up that’s needed. We will provide you with the filming location and all the aesthetic set-up that will be required so you can sit back, relax and create!

Do I get paid?

Yep! Depending on the client and the deliverables, we will provide a flat fee of $50-$200. We also will provide opportunities for participation in professional photoshoots, and payment will be negotiated personally with you.

Is there a lock-in contract?

Nope! We work on a project basis with all our creators. Each job will have a different contract, usage term, requirements and fee.

Do I have to have done UGC before?

Nope! As long as you’re comfortable in front of a camera and keen to be yourself to endorse products or brands then you’ll be perfect!

Where are you guys located?

Our headquarters are in Cremorne, Melbourne.

Do I get to choose the brands I work with?

Yep! We will send out job alerts that we think you’d be perfect for, and you will be able to apply for them directly if you are interested.

Do I get to keep the product?

Unless otherwise stated by the client, yes!

Want the Nitty Gritty?

Looking for some more information? Enter your email below to access our brand prospectus, which will give you some more information on what we do, how we do it, and the kinds of packages that other brands like yours have built with our bespoke package service (yes, including pricing!)

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